
We have a long and successful track record and have operated dozens of companies over the last 40 years. As investor-operators, we have also poured a significant amount of our own capital and net-worth into our companies over the years and raised a significant amount in outside capital.

Quality Over Quantity

Enhancing a company's operations, processes, and culture requires specialized experience on all fronts - from the C-suite, all the way to the manufacturing floor. As a team of investor-operators, we have a unique competitive advantage over other firms in our niche because we personally understand the day-to-day challenges that small-business owners face, especially when it comes time to sell. We have been in your shoes.

Our past transaction experiences have paved the way for our philosophy that, "doing things simply is always better than doing it in a complicated manner." This mindset has in turn allowed us to focus on executing a small number of things extraordinarily well.

Continuous Improvement

Many deals and experiences later, our growing team still continues to push the boundaries, look for new ways to partner with our companies, instill best practices, and find innovative ways to transform operations and processes - without reinventing the wheel.

Investor-Operator Mindset

There is no substitute for small business experience, and that is unique advantage that we bring to the table. We're not just a team of investors; We're entrepreneurial-minded operators who know what it takes to sustainably grow a business.

Simplified Approach

After four decades and a successful track record to go along with it, we know that overcomplicated processes are the number one source of friction in any acquisition. That's why we seek a common-sense approach and preach simplicity, over, and over again.

A Unique Focus on Manufacturing

Although we work with businesses in a variety of sectors, Camwood Capital has extensive experience in the manufacturing industry and the industrial sector as a whole. Examples of industries we are interested in include:

Aerospace & Defense
Power Generation
Process Control